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The snow leopard is a big cat. It’s an exilent hunter. They can jump up to 40 feet. They like to feed on goats, sheeps, pheasants, gazelles, and wild boar. But there are only 4,000 snow leopards left in the world.

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Davey and Charlie shared half a box of crackers.  They each had 20 crackers.  How many crackers did the box have when it was full? 

20+20=40 I did that because that is how many they ate in all. So then 40x 2 =80 so 80 is how many were in the box. Then I subtracted 80-40 =40 I did that so could make sure 40 was half of 80 I did that because they ate 40 which is half of 80.  Because if you did 40+40 you would get 80. So 80 crackers is my answer.