Monthly Archives: May 2014
1 Dimond Bessy came to Jefferson with a guy and they went down the bayou . The guy came back without her he said she stayed with some friends for a few days .But a few days went by and later her body was found floating in the bayou she didn’t have her dimond rings . they later found out the guy that took her had asasinated her for her dimond rings, she is bauried in Jefferson this very day .
2 The Fountain of Youth has little fountain all around it for people,dogs,and horse to drink from. 3 Back then girls had to ware long dresses because they weren’t aloud to show there ankles.
The Blanketflower ‘s scientific classification is Asteraceae. The scientific name is Gaillardia Aristata. It grows in everywhere in the United States. The Blanketflower can grow up to 1 1/2-2 feet. There blooming period is May-September. It’s color is a brilliant red flower with yellow rims. They thrive in full sun in well drained areas and occasional watering will extend the blooming period.